
Which Plumbing Products Work?

What To Do When Your Toddler Flushes A Toy Down The Toilet

If you have a toddler, you know these little curious humans and your bathroom just don't mix. One minute they are happily flushing large wads of toilet paper down the toilet, the next you hear them excitedly proclaiming how their favorite toy went 'Bye-bye' down the potty. The last thing you want to experience is a building block, toy car, or even a used diaper being flushed down the toilet, and acting appropriately will help make a plumbing nightmare clear up more quickly. Here are things you should do when your toddler flushes a toy (or other object) down the toilet so you can keep your plumbing in check.

Get your hand in there

Do not flush your toilet again in an effort to see if your toilet is clogged or if the object has gone all the way through the pipe. Any further flushing could put your toddler's toy in the trap part of the plumbing, where you will need an emergency plumber to get it back out. If you're lucky, the toy was large enough that a single flush didn't offer enough force to send it whooshing through the pipes. If you reach your hand into the bowl, you may be able to grab the end of the offending object yourself. Put on a rubber glove and reach your hand a few inches into the exit hole of the toilet to see if you feel anything.

Break out the plunger

If you can't feel the toy in the outer plumbing, it may still be lodged where you can reach it. Grab your plunger and gently plunge the hole to see if the object pops out momentarily before being forcefully sucked back in. If you can see the toy, you're in luck: a few more plunges should give it the suction needed to bring it close enough to grab with your hand. If not, the toy may already be further down your plumbing, and a professional plumber will be needed to fish the item out with a snake.

Call a plumber

If you cannot immediately retrieve or feel the toy in the outer edges of your toilet, it's time to call an emergency plumber. You don't want to risk having someone accidentally forget not to flush the toilet, nor do you want the toy to naturally work its way down your plumbing system on its own. A plumber will check your plumbing trap first to locate the toy, then will likely use a snake to see just how far down your pipes the object is so they can remove it safely.

Once the toy is removed, you should be able to use your toilet as usual again. Keep your toilet lid down during the day (there are hooks you can place on your toilet lid to keep curious toddlers from lifting it and getting into the water; you can buy these latches at your local store in the baby department) and make sure all small items are placed on higher shelves in your bathroom to keep your little one from dropping mascara, razors, and other fun goodies in the water.

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Which Plumbing Products Work?

Have you ever stared at bottles of over-the-counter clog fixers or wondered about drain snakes and other plumbing equipment that you find in a hardware store? My name is Stacy, and I have done a lot of DIY work to improve my home's plumbing. I can tell you all you need to know about which plumbing products to buy and which to skip. This blog will explain available plumbing supplies and how they work. I'll also go into detail about liquids used to unclog drains, and I'll even tell you some plumbers' secrets that could save you some money. Not all issues can be solved on your own, but you can still do a lot of maintenance yourself.